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Binned maximum likelihood fits are an attractive option when analysing large datasets, but require care when computing likelihoods of continuous PDFs in bins. For many years the widely used statistical modelling package RooFit evaluated probabilities at the bin centre, leading to significant biases for strongly curved probability density functions. We demonstrate the biases with real-world examples, and introduce a PDF class to RooFit that removes these biases. The physics and computation performance of this new class are discussed.
Straightforward methods for adapting the familiar chi^2 statistic to histograms of discrete events and other Poisson distributed data generally yield biased estimates of the parameters of a model. The bias can be important even when the total number of events is large. For the case of estimating a microcalorimeters energy resolution at 6 keV from the observed shape of the Mn K-alpha fluorescence spectrum, a poor choice of chi^2 can lead to biases of at least 10% in the estimated resolution when up to thousands of photons are observed. The best remedy is a Poisson maximum-likelihood fit, through a simple modification of the standard Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for chi^2 minimization. Where the modification is not possible, another approach allows iterative approximation of the maximum-likelihood fit.
We derive a Bayesian framework for incorporating selection effects into population analyses. We allow for both measurement uncertainty in individual measurements and, crucially, for selection biases on the population of measurements, and show how to extract the parameters of the underlying distribution based on a set of observations sampled from this distribution. We illustrate the performance of this framework with an example from gravitational-wave astrophysics, demonstrating that the mass ratio distribution of merging compact-object binaries can be extracted from Malmquist-biased observations with substantial measurement uncertainty.
We introduce and study random bipartite networks with hidden variables. Nodes in these networks are characterized by hidden variables which control the appearance of links between node pairs. We derive analytic expressions for the degree distribution, degree correlations, the distribution of the number of common neighbors, and the bipartite clustering coefficient in these networks. We also establish the relationship between degrees of nodes in original bipartite networks and in their unipartite projections. We further demonstrate how hidden variable formalism can be applied to analyze topological properties of networks in certain bipartite network models, and verify our analytical results in numerical simulations.
We review briefly the concepts underlying complex systems and probability distributions. The later are often taken as the first quantitative characteristics of complex systems, allowing one to detect the possible occurrence of regularities providing a step toward defining a classification of the different levels of organization (the ``universality classes). A rapid survey covers the Gaussian law, the power law and the stretched exponential distributions. The fascination for power laws is then explained, starting from the statistical physics approach to critical phenomena, out-of-equilibrium phase transitions, self-organized criticality, and ending with a large but not exhaustive list of mechanisms leading to power law distributions. A check-list for testing and qualifying a power law distribution from your data is described in 7 steps. This essay enlarges the description of distributions by proposing that ``kings, i.e., events even beyond the extrapolation of the power law tail, may reveal an information which is complementary and perhaps sometimes even more important than the power law distribution. We conclude a list of future directions.
Many complex systems, including networks, are not static but can display strong fluctuations at various time scales. Characterizing the dynamics in complex networks is thus of the utmost importance in the understanding of these networks and of the dynamical processes taking place on them. In this article, we study the example of the US airport network in the time period 1990-2000. We show that even if the statistical distributions of most indicators are stationary, an intense activity takes place at the local (`microscopic) level, with many disappearing/appearing connections (links) between airports. We find that connections have a very broad distribution of lifetimes, and we introduce a set of metrics to characterize the links dynamics. We observe in particular that the links which disappear have essentially the same properties as the ones which appear, and that links which connect airports with very different traffic are very volatile. Motivated by this empirical study, we propose a model of dynamical networks, inspired from previous studies on firm growth, which reproduces most of the empirical observations both for the stationary statistical distributions and for the dynamical properties.