SAGE : A Monte Carlo Simulation Framework for Experiments with Germanium Detectors

Abstract in English

A Geant4-based simulation framework for rare event searching experiments with germanium detectors named SAGE is presented with details. It is designed for simulating, assessing, analyzing background components and investigating the response of the germanium detectors. The SAGE framework incorporates its experiment-specific geometries and custom attributes, including the event generator, physical lists and output format, to satisfy various simulation objectives. Its docker image has been prepared for virtualizing and distributing the SAGE framework. Deployment a Geant4-based simulation will be convenient under this docker image. The implemented geometries include both the p-type point contact and broad energy germanium detectors with environmental surroundings, and these hierarchical geometries can be easily extended. Users select these custom attributes via the JSON configuration file. The aforementioned attributes satisfy the simulation demands and make SAGE become a generic and powerful simulation framework for CDEX experiment.
