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We consider the $(1+1)$-dimensional quasilinear wave equation $g(x)w_{tt}-w_{xx}+h(x) (w_t^3)_t=0$ on $mathbb{R}timesmathbb{R}$ which arises in the study of localized electromagnetic waves modeled by Kerr-nonlinear Maxwell equations. We are interested in time-periodic, spatially localized solutions. Here $gin L^{infty}(mathbb{R})$ is even with $g otequiv 0$ and $h(x)=gamma,delta_0(x)$ with $gammain{mathbb{R}}backslash{0}$ and $delta_0$ the delta-distribution supported in $0$. We assume that $0$ lies in a spectral gap of the operators $L_k=-frac{d^2}{dx^2}-k^2omega^2g$ on $L^2(mathbb{R})$ for all $kin 2mathbb{Z}+1$ together with additional properties of the fundamental set of solutions of $L_k$. By expanding $w$ into a Fourier series in time we transfer the problem of finding a suitably defined weak solution to finding a minimizer of a functional on a sequence space. The solutions that we have found are exponentially localized in space. Moreover, we show that they can be well approximated by truncating the Fourier series in time. The guiding examples, where all assumptions are fulfilled, are explicitly given step potentials and periodic step potentials $g$. In these examples we even find infinitely many distinct breathers.
Hormander proved global existence of solutions for sufficiently small initial data for scalar wave equations in $(1+4)-$dimensions of the form $Box u = Q(u, u, u)$ where $Q$ vanishes to second order and $(partial_u^2 Q)(0,0,0)=0$. Without the latter condition, only almost global existence may be guaranteed. The first author and Sogge considered the analog exterior to a star-shaped obstacle. Both results relied on writing the lowest order terms $upartial_alpha u = frac{1}{2}partial_alpha u^2$ and as such do not immediately generalize to systems. The current study remedies such and extends both results to the case of multiple speed systems.
The aim of this paper is to establish two results about multiplicity of solutions to problems involving the $1-$Laplacian operator, with nonlinearities with critical growth. To be more specific, we study the following problem $$ left{ begin{array}{l} - Delta_1 u +xi frac{u}{|u|} =lambda |u|^{q-2}u+|u|^{1^*-2}u, quadtext{in }Omega, u=0, quadtext{on } partialOmega. end{array} right. $$ where $Omega$ is a smooth bounded domain in $mathbb{R}^N$, $N geq 2$ and $xi in{0,1}$. Moreover, $lambda > 0$, $q in (1,1^*)$ and $1^*=frac{N}{N-1}$. The first main result establishes the existence of many rotationally non-equivalent and nonradial solutions by assuming that $xi=1$, $Omega = {x in mathbb{R}^N,:,r < |x| < r+1}$, $Ngeq 2$, $N ot = 3$ and $r > 0$. In the second one, $Omega$ is a smooth bounded domain, $xi=0$, and the multiplicity of solutions is proved through an abstract result which involves genus theory for functionals which are sum of a $C^1$ functional with a convex lower semicontinuous functional.
We consider a quasilinear KdV equation that admits compactly supported traveling wave solutions (compactons). This model is one of the most straightforward instances of degenerate dispersion, a phenomenon that appears in a variety of physical settings as diverse as sedimentation, magma dynamics and shallow water waves. We prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions with sufficiently smooth, spatially localized initial data.
In this paper, we consider two types of traveling wave systems of the generalized Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar equation. Firstly, due to the integrity, we obtain their energy functions. Then, the dynamical system method is applied to study bifurcation behaviours of the two types of traveling wave systems to obtain corresponding global phase portraits in different parameter bifurcation sets. According to them, every bounded and unbounded orbits can be identified clearly and investigated carefully which correspond to various traveling wave solutions of the generalized Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar equation exactly. Finally, by integrating along these orbits and calculating some complicated elliptic integral, we obtain all type I and type II traveling wave solutions of the generalized Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar equation without loss.
We prove that the viscous Burgers equation has a globally defined smooth solution in all dimensions provided the initial condition and the forcing term are smooth and bounded together with their derivatives. Such solutions may have infinite energy. The proof does not rely on energy estimates, but on a combination of the maximum principle and quantitative Schauder estimates. We obtain precise bounds on the sup norm of the solution and its derivatives, making it plain that there is no exponential increase in time. In particular, these bounds are time-independent if the forcing term is zero. To get a classical solution, it suffices to assume that the initial condition and the forcing term have bounded derivatives up to order two.