Optimal Performance of Global Quantum Networks

Abstract in English

The development of a future, global quantum communication network (or quantum internet) will enable high rate private communication and entanglement distribution over very long distances. However, the large-scale performance of ground-based quantum networks (which employ photons as information carriers through optical-fibres) is fundamentally limited by the fibre quality and link length. While these fundamental limits are well established for arbitrary network architectures, the question of how to best design these global architectures remains open. In this work, we take a step forward in addressing this problem by modelling global quantum networks with weakly-regular architectures. Such networks are capable of idealising end-to-end performance whilst remaining sufficiently realistic. In this way, we may investigate the effectiveness of large-scale networks with consistent connective properties, and unveil the global conditions under which end-to-end rates remain analytically computable. Furthermore, by comparing the performance of ideal, ground-based quantum networks with satellite quantum communication protocols, we can establish conditions for which satellites can be used to outperform fibre-based quantum infrastructure.
