On the Problem of Time(s) in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Gravity: recent integrating developments and outlook

Abstract in English

Canonical quantization applied to closed systems leads to static equations, the Wheeler-deWitt equation in Quantum Gravity and the time independent Schrodinger equation in Quantum Mechanics. How to restore time is the Problem of Time(s). Integrating developments are: a) entanglement of a microscopic system with its classical environment accords it a time evolution description, the time dependent Schrodinger equation, where t is the laboratory time measured by clocks; b) canonical quantization of Special Relativity yields both the Dirac Hamiltonian and a self adjoint time operator, restoring to position and time the equivalent footing accorded to energy and momentum in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. It introduces an intrinsic time property {tau} associated with the mass of the system, and a basis additional to the usual configuration, momentum and energy basis. As a generator of momentum displacements and consequently of energy, it invalidates Paulis objection to the existence of a time operator. It furthermore complies with the requirements to condition the other observables in the conditional interpretation of QG. As Paulis objection figures explicit or implicitly in most current developments of QM and QG, its invalidation opens to research the effect of this new two times perspective on such developments.
