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Numerical study of transverse position monitor and compensation for x-ray polarization diagnosis

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 Added by Zipeng Liu
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Diagnosing free electron laser (FEL) polarization is critical for polarization-modulated research such as x-ray free electron laser (XFEL) diffraction imaging and probing material magnetism. In an electron time-of-flight (eTOF) polarimeter, the flight time and angular distribution of photoelectrons were designed based on x-ray polarimetry for on-site diagnosis. However, the transverse position of x-ray FEL pulses introduces error into the measured photoelectron angular distribution. This work thus proposes a method to monitor the transverse position using an eTOF polarimeter and explains how to compensate for the error due to transverse position. A comprehensive numerical model is developed to demonstrate the feasibility of the compensation method, and the results reveal that a spatial resolution of 20 (mu)m and a polarity improved by 0.5% is possible with fully polarized FEL pulses. The impact of FEL pulses and a method to calibrate their linearity is also discussed.

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We describe the design and performance of optical elements for an x-ray beam size monitor (xBSM), a device measuring $e^+$ and $e^-$ beam sizes in the CESR-TA storage ring. The device can measure vertical beam sizes of $10-100~mu$m on a turn-by-turn, bunch-by-bunch basis at $e^pm$ beam energies of $sim2-5~$GeV. X-rays produced by a hard-bend magnet pass through a single- or multiple-slit (coded aperture) optical element onto a detector. The coded aperture slit pattern and thickness of masking material forming that pattern can both be tuned for optimal resolving power. We describe several such optical elements and show how well predictions of simple models track measured performances.
We describe the concepts and technical realization of the high-resolution soft-X-ray beamline ADRESS operating in the energy range from 300 to 1600 eV and intended for Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) and Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES). The photon source is an undulator of novel fixed-gap design where longitudinal movement of permanent magnetic arrays controls not only the light polarization (including circular and 0-180 deg rotatable linear polarizations) but also the energy without changing the gap. The beamline optics is based on the well-established scheme of plane grating monochromator (PGM) operating in collimated light. The ultimate resolving power E/dE is above 33000 at 1 keV photon energy. The choice of blazed vs lamellar gratings and optimization of their profile parameters is described. Due to glancing angles on the mirrors as well as optimized groove densities and profiles of the gratings, high photon flux is achieved up to 1.0e13 photons/s/0.01%BW at 1 keV. Ellipsoidal refocusing optics used for the RIXS endstation demagnifies the vertical spot size down to 4 um, which allows slitless operation and thus maximal transmission of the high-resolution RIXS spectrometer delivering E/dE better than 11000 at 1 keV photon energy. Apart from the beamline optics, we give an overview of the control system, describe diagnostics and software tools, and discuss strategies used for the optical alignment. An introduction to the concepts and instrumental realization of the ARPES and RIXS endstations is given.
256 - Ping Lu , Leilei Tang , Baogen Sun 2021
The 4 electrode signals of the beam position detector(BPM) of the STORAGE ring of HEFEI Light Source are directly connected to the domestic oscilloscope with 12bit resolution, 10Gsps sampling rate and 2GHz bandwidth. The acquisition program is run on the cloud host under the Zstack architecture, triggering to read a group of waveforms of 500us each time. The X (horizontal position), Y (vertical position) and Z (longitudinal phase) information of the centroid of 45 bunches 2266 cycles were extracted. The resolution of X and Y of each bunches was about 5um, and the resolution of Z was about 0.5ps. The update period of online operation was about 7 seconds. The three-dimensional tune of each bunch can be obtained by analyzing the three-dimensional position information of each bunch in normal operation. The spectrum peak of the transverse quadrupole oscillation can be observed by analyzing the button and strip electrode signals when beam is incentived.
In this paper we present a new measurement setup, where a transitionedge sensor detector array is used to detect X-rays in particle induced X-ray emission measurements with a 2 MeV proton beam. Transition-edge sensors offer orders of magnitude improvement in energy resolution compared to conventional silicon or germanium detectors, making it possible to recognize spectral lines in materials analysis that have previously been impossible to resolve, and to get chemical information from the elements. Our sensors are cooled to the operation temperature (65 mK) with a cryogen-free adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator, which houses a specially designed X-ray snout that has a vacuum tight window to couple in the radiation. For the best pixel, the measured instrumental energy resolution was 3.06 eV full width at half maximum at 5.9 keV.We discuss the current status of the project, benefits of transition-edge sensors when used in particle induced X-ray emission spectroscopy, and the results from the first measurements.
157 - V.N. Strocov 2009
A spectrometer for resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) is proposed where imaging and dispersion actions in two orthogonal planes are combined to deliver full two-dimensional map of RIXS intensity in one shot with parallel detection in incoming hvin and outgoing hvout photon energies. Preliminary ray-tracing simulations with a typical undulator beamline demonstrate a resolving power well above 11000 in both hvin and hvout near a photon energy of 930 eV, with a vast potential for improvement. Combining such a spectrometer - nicknamed hv2 - with an XFEL source allows efficient time-resolved RIXS experiments.
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