Coarse- and fine-scale geometric information content of Multiclass Classification and implied Data-driven Intelligence

Abstract in English

Under any Multiclass Classification (MCC) setting defined by a collection of labeled point-cloud specified by a feature-set, we extract only stochastic partial orderings from all possible triplets of point-cloud without explicitly measuring the three cloud-to-cloud distances. We demonstrate that such a collective of partial ordering can efficiently compute a label embedding tree geometry on the Label-space. This tree in turn gives rise to a predictive graph, or a network with precisely weighted linkages. Such two multiscale geometries are taken as the coarse scale information content of MCC. They indeed jointly shed lights on explainable knowledge on why and how labeling comes about and facilitates error-free prediction with potential multiple candidate labels supported by data. For revealing within-label heterogeneity, we further undergo labeling naturally found clusters within each point-cloud, and likewise derive multiscale geometry as its fine-scale information content contained in data. This fine-scale endeavor shows that our computational proposal is indeed scalable to a MCC setting having a large label-space. Overall the computed multiscale collective of data-driven patterns and knowledge will serve as a basis for constructing visible and explainable subject matter intelligence regarding the system of interest.
