Multiscale Thermodynamics: Energy, Entropy, and Symmetry from Atoms to Bulk Behavior

Abstract in English

Here we investigate how local properties of particles in a thermal bath influence the thermodynamics of the bath. We utilize nanothermodynamics, based on two postulates: that small systems can be treated self-consistently by coupling to an ensemble of similarly small systems, and that a large ensemble of small systems forms its own thermodynamic bath. We adapt these ideas to study how a large system may subdivide into an ensemble of smaller subsystems, causing internal heterogeneity across multiple size scales. For the semi-classical ideal gas, maximum entropy favors subdividing a large system of atoms into regions of variable size. The mechanism of region formation could come from quantum exchange that makes atoms in each region indistinguishable, while decoherence between regions allows atoms in separate regions to be distinguishable by location. Combining regions reduces the total entropy, as expected when distinguishable particles become indistinguishable, and as required by theorems for sub-additive entropy. Combining large volumes of small regions gives the entropy of mixing for a semi-classical ideal gas, resolving Gibbs paradox without invoking quantum symmetry for distant atoms. Other models we study are based on Ising-like spins in 1-D. We find similarity in the properties of a two-state model in the nanocanonical ensemble and a three-state model in the canonical ensemble. Thus, emergent phenomena may alter the thermal behavior of microscopic models, and the correct ensemble is necessary for fully-accurate predictions. We add a nonlinear correction to Boltzmanns factor in simulations of the Ising-like spins to imitate the dynamics of spin exchange on intermediate lengths, yielding the statistics of indistinguishable states. These simulations exhibit 1/f-like noise at low frequencies (f), and white noise at higher f, similar to the thermal fluctuations found in many materials.
