Semi-supervised Learning Framework for UAV Detection

Abstract in English

The use of supervised learning with various sensing techniques such as audio, visual imaging, thermal sensing, RADAR, and radio frequency (RF) have been widely applied in the detection of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in an environment. However, little or no attention has been given to the application of unsupervised or semi-supervised algorithms for UAV detection. In this paper, we proposed a semi-supervised technique and architecture for detecting UAVs in an environment by exploiting the RF signals (i.e., fingerprints) between a UAV and its flight-controller communication under wireless inference such as Bluetooth and WiFi. By decomposing the RF signals using a two-level wavelet packet transform, we estimated the second moment statistic (i.e., variance) of the coefficients in each packet as a feature set. We developed a local outlier factor model as the UAV detection algorithm using the coefficient variances of the wavelet packets from WiFi and Bluetooth signals. When detecting the presence of RF-based UAV, we achieved an accuracy of 96.7$%$ and 86$%$ at a signal-to-noise ratio of 30~dB and 18~dB, respectively. The application of this approach is not limited to UAV detection as it can be extended to the detection of rogue RF devices in an environment.
