Strongly zero product determined Banach algebras

Abstract in English

$C^*$-algebras, group algebras, and the algebra $mathcal{A}(X)$ of approximable operators on a Banach space $X$ having the bounded approximation property are known to be zero product determined. We are interested in giving a quantitative estimate of this property by finding, for each Banach algebra $A$ of the above classes, a constant $alpha$ with the property that for every continuous bilinear functional $varphicolon A times Atomathbb{C}$ there exists a continuous linear functional $xi$ on $A$ such that [ sup_{Vert aVert=Vert bVert=1}vertvarphi(a,b)-xi(ab)vertle alphasup_{mathclap{substack{Vert aVert=Vert bVert=1, ab=0}}}vertvarphi(a,b)vert. ]
