Achieving 100X faster simulations of complex biological phenomena by coupling ML to HPC ensembles

Abstract in English

The use of ML methods to dynamically steer ensemble-based simulations promises significant improvements in the performance of scientific applications. We present DeepDriveMD, a tool for a range of prototypical ML-driven HPC simulation scenarios, and use it to quantify improvements in the scientific performance of ML-driven ensemble-based applications. We discuss its design and characterize its performance. Motivated by the potential for further scientific improvements and applicability to more sophisticated physical systems, we extend the design of DeepDriveMD to support stream-based communication between simulations and learning methods. It demonstrates a 100x speedup to fold proteins, and performs 1.6x more simulations per unit time, improving resource utilization compared to the sequential framework. Experiments are performed on leadership-class platforms, at scales of up to O(1000) nodes, and for production workloads. We establish DeepDriveMD as a high-performance framework for ML-driven HPC simulation scenarios, that supports diverse simulation and ML back-ends, and which enables new scientific insights by improving length- and time-scale accessed.
