Normalized solutions to Schr{o}dinger systems with linear and nonlinear couplings

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study important Schr{o}dinger systems with linear and nonlinear couplings begin{equation}label{eq:diricichlet} begin{cases} -Delta u_1-lambda_1 u_1=mu_1 |u_1|^{p_1-2}u_1+r_1beta |u_1|^{r_1-2}u_1|u_2|^{r_2}+kappa (x)u_2~hbox{in}~mathbb{R}^N, -Delta u_2-lambda_2 u_2=mu_2 |u_2|^{p_2-2}u_2+r_2beta |u_1|^{r_1}|u_2|^{r_2-2}u_2+kappa (x)u_1~ hbox{in}~mathbb{R}^N, u_1in H^1(mathbb{R}^N), u_2in H^1(mathbb{R}^N), onumber end{cases} end{equation} with the condition $$int_{mathbb{R}^N} u_1^2=a_1^2, int_{mathbb{R}^N} u_2^2=a_2^2,$$ where $Ngeq 2$, $mu_1,mu_2,a_1,a_2>0$, $betainmathbb{R}$, $2<p_1,p_2<2^*$, $2<r_1+r_2<2^*$, $kappa(x)in L^{infty}(mathbb{R}^N)$ with fixed sign and $lambda_1,lambda_2$ are Lagrangian multipliers. We use Ekland variational principle to prove this system has a normalized radially symmetric solution for $L^2-$subcritical case when $Ngeq 2$, and use minimax method to prove this system has a normalized radially symmetric positive solution for $L^2-$supercritical case when $N=3$, $p_1=p_2=4, r_1=r_2=2$.
