Distribution of supersymmetry mu parameter and Peccei-Quinn scale f_a from the landscape

Abstract in English

A scan of soft SUSY breaking parameters within the string theory landscape with the MSSM assumed as the low energy effective field theory -- using a power-law draw to large soft terms coupled with an anthropic selection of a derived weak scale to be within a factor four of our measured value -- predicts a peak probability of m_h~125 GeV with sparticles masses typically beyond the reach of LHC Run 2. Such multiverse simulations usually assume a fixed value of the SUSY conserving superpotential mu parameter to be within the assumed anthropic range, mu<~ 350 GeV. However, depending on the assumed solution to the SUSY mu problem, the expected mu term distribution can actually be derived. In this paper, we examine two solutions to the SUSY mu problem. The first is the gravity-safe-Peccei-Quinn (GSPQ) model based on an assumed Z_{24}^R discrete R-symmetry which allows a gravity-safe accidental, approximate Peccei-Quinn global symmetry to emerge which also solves the strong CP problem. The second case is the Giudice-Masiero solution wherein the mu term effectively acts as a soft term and has a linear draw to large values. For the first case, we also present the expected landscape distribution for the PQ scale f_a; in this case, weak scale anthropics limits its range to the cosmological sweet zone of around f_a~ 10^{11} GeV.
