Galaxy power spectrum and biasing results from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (first data release)

Abstract in English

The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) is ongoing and plans to map the complete Northern sky in the future. The source catalogue from the public LoTSS first data release covers 1% of the sky and is known to show some correlated noise or fluctuations of the flux density calibration over a few degree scale. Due to its unique and excellent design, observations from LOFAR are expected to be an excellent opportunity to study the distribution and evolution of the large-scale structure of the Universe in the future. We explore the LoTSS DR1 to understand the survey systematics and data quality of its very first data release. We produce catalog mocks to determine error estimates and with our detailed and careful analysis, we successfully recover the angular clustering statistics of LoTSS galaxies, which fits the $Lambda$CDM cosmology reasonably well. We employ a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based Bayesian analysis and recover the best galaxy biasing scheme for LoTSS galaxies and also constrain the radial distribution of LoTSS DR1. After masking some noisy and uneven patches and with reasonable flux cuts, the LOFAR survey appears qualified for large-scale cosmological studies. The upcoming data releases from LOFAR are expected to be deeper and wider, thus will be more suitable for drawing cosmological implications.
