Visual Vibration Tomography: Estimating Interior Material Properties from Monocular Video

Abstract in English

An objects interior material properties, while invisible to the human eye, determine motion observed on its surface. We propose an approach that estimates heterogeneous material properties of an object directly from a monocular video of its surface vibrations. Specifically, we estimate Youngs modulus and density throughout a 3D object with known geometry. Knowledge of how these values change across the object is useful for characterizing defects and simulating how the object will interact with different environments. Traditional non-destructive testing approaches, which generally estimate homogenized material properties or the presence of defects, are expensive and use specialized instruments. We propose an approach that leverages monocular video to (1) measure and objects sub-pixel motion and decompose this motion into image-space modes, and (2) directly infer spatially-varying Youngs modulus and density values from the observed image-space modes. On both simulated and real videos, we demonstrate that our approach is able to image material properties simply by analyzing surface motion. In particular, our method allows us to identify unseen defects on a 2D drum head from real, high-speed video.
