Magnetic Properties of Star-Forming Dense Cores

Abstract in English

Magnetic and energetic properties are presented for 17 dense cores within a few hundred pc of the Sun. Their plane-of-sky field strengths are estimated from the dispersion of polarization directions, following Davis, Chandrasekhar and Fermi (DCF). Their ratio of mass to magnetic critical mass is 0.5-3, indicating nearly critical field strengths. The field strength B_pos is correlated with column density N as B_pos~N^p, where p=1.05+-0.08, and with density n as B_pos~n^q, where q=0.66+-0.05. These magnetic properties are consistent with those derived from Zeeman studies (Crutcher et al. 2010), with less scatter. Relations between virial mass M_V, magnetic critical mass M_B, and Alfven amplitude sigma_B/B match the observed range of M/M_B for cores observed to be nearly virial, with M/M_V=0.5-2, with moderate Alfven amplitudes, and with sigma_B/B=0.1-0.4. The B-N and B-n correlations in the DCF and Zeeman samples can be explained when such bound, Alfvenic, and nearly-critical cores have central concentration and spheroidal shape. For these properties, B~N because M/M_B is nearly constant compared to the range of N, and B~n^(2/3) because M^(1/3) is nearly constant compared to the range of n^(2/3). The observed core fields which follow B~n^(2/3) need not be much weaker than gravity, in contrast to core fields which follow B~n^(2/3) due to spherical contraction at constant mass (Mestel 1966). Instead, the nearly critical values of M/M_B suggest that the observed core fields are nearly as strong as possible, among values which allow gravitational contraction.
