Spatially resolved surface dissipation over metal and dielectric substrates

Abstract in English

We report spatially resolved measurements of static and fluctuating electric fields over conductive (Au) and non-conductive (SiO2) surfaces. Using an ultrasensitive `nanoladder cantilever probe to scan over these surfaces at distances of a few tens of nanometers, we record changes in the probe resonance frequency and damping that we associate with static and fluctuating fields, respectively. We find that the two quantities are spatially correlated and of similar magnitude for the two materials. We quantitatively describe the observed effects on the basis of trapped surface charges and dielectric fluctuations in an adsorbate layer. Our results provide direct, spatial evidence for surface dissipation in adsorbates that affects nanomechanical sensors, trapped ions, superconducting resonators, and color centers in diamond.
