Benchmarking and Scalability of Machine Learning Methods for Photometric Redshift Estimation

Abstract in English

Obtaining accurate photometric redshift estimations is an important aspect of cosmology, remaining a prerequisite of many analyses. In creating novel methods to produce redshift estimations, there has been a shift towards using machine learning techniques. However, there has not been as much of a focus on how well different machine learning methods scale or perform with the ever-increasing amounts of data being produced. Here, we introduce a benchmark designed to analyse the performance and scalability of different supervised machine learning methods for photometric redshift estimation. Making use of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS - DR12) dataset, we analysed a variety of the most used machine learning algorithms. By scaling the number of galaxies used to train and test the algorithms up to one million, we obtained several metrics demonstrating the algorithms performance and scalability for this task. Furthermore, by introducing a new optimisation method, time-considered optimisation, we were able to demonstrate how a small concession of error can allow for a great improvement in efficiency. From the algorithms tested we found that the Random Forest performed best in terms of error with a mean squared error, MSE = 0.0042; however, as other algorithms such as Boosted Decision Trees and k-Nearest Neighbours performed incredibly similarly, we used our benchmarks to demonstrate how different algorithms could be superior in different scenarios. We believe benchmarks such as this will become even more vital with upcoming surveys, such as LSST, which will capture billions of galaxies requiring photometric redshifts.
