Forward-partial inverse-half-forward splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusions with applications

Abstract in English

Monotone inclusions play an important role in studying various convex minimization problems. In this paper, we propose a forward-partial inverse-half-forward splitting (FPIHFS) algorithm for finding a zero of the sum of a maximally monotone operator, a monotone Lipschitzian operator, a cocoercive operator, and a normal cone of a closed vector subspace. The FPIHFS algorithm is derived from a combination of the partial inverse method with the forward-backward-half-forward splitting algorithm. As applications, we employ the proposed algorithm to solve several composite monotone inclusion problems, which include a finite sum of maximally monotone operators and parallel-sum of operators. In particular, we obtain a primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving a composite convex minimization problem, which has wide applications in many real problems. To verify the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, we apply it to solve the Projection on Minkowski sums of convex sets problem and the generalized Heron problem. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
