Automorphisms of the Koszul homology of a local ring

Abstract in English

This work concerns the Koszul complex $K$ of a commutative noetherian local ring $R$, with its natural structure as differential graded $R$-algebra. It is proved that under diverse conditions, involving the multiplicative structure of $H(K)$, any dg $R$-algebra automorphism of $K$ induces the identity map on $H(K)$. In such cases, it is possible to define an action of the automorphism group of $R$ on $H(K)$. On the other hand, numerous rings are described for which $K$ has automorphisms that do not induce the identity on $H(K)$. For any $R$, it is shown that the group of automorphisms of $H(K)$ induced by automorphisms of $K$ is abelian.
