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PhySG: Inverse Rendering with Spherical Gaussians for Physics-based Material Editing and Relighting

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 Added by Kai Zhang
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We present PhySG, an end-to-end inverse rendering pipeline that includes a fully differentiable renderer and can reconstruct geometry, materials, and illumination from scratch from a set of RGB input images. Our framework represents specular BRDFs and environmental illumination using mixtures of spherical Gaussians, and represents geometry as a signed distance function parameterized as a Multi-Layer Perceptron. The use of spherical Gaussians allows us to efficiently solve for approximate light transport, and our method works on scenes with challenging non-Lambertian reflectance captured under natural, static illumination. We demonstrate, with both synthetic and real data, that our reconstructions not only enable rendering of novel viewpoints, but also physics-based appearance editing of materials and illumination.

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The ability to edit materials of objects in images is desirable by many content creators. However, this is an extremely challenging task as it requires to disentangle intrinsic physical properties of an image. We propose an end-to-end network architecture that replicates the forward image formation process to accomplish this task. Specifically, given a single image, the network first predicts intrinsic properties, i.e. shape, illumination, and material, which are then provided to a rendering layer. This layer performs in-network image synthesis, thereby enabling the network to understand the physics behind the image formation process. The proposed rendering layer is fully differentiable, supports both diffuse and specular materials, and thus can be applicable in a variety of problem settings. We demonstrate a rich set of visually plausible material editing examples and provide an extensive comparative study.
We present a novel Relightable Neural Renderer (RNR) for simultaneous view synthesis and relighting using multi-view image inputs. Existing neural rendering (NR) does not explicitly model the physical rendering process and hence has limited capabilities on relighting. RNR instead models image formation in terms of environment lighting, object intrinsic attributes, and light transport function (LTF), each corresponding to a learnable component. In particular, the incorporation of a physically based rendering process not only enables relighting but also improves the quality of view synthesis. Comprehensive experiments on synthetic and real data show that RNR provides a practical and effective solution for conducting free-viewpoint relighting.
We present a new neural representation, called Neural Ray (NeuRay), for the novel view synthesis (NVS) task with multi-view images as input. Existing neural scene representations for solving the NVS problem, such as NeRF, cannot generalize to new scenes and take an excessively long time on training on each new scene from scratch. The other subsequent neural rendering methods based on stereo matching, such as PixelNeRF, SRF and IBRNet are designed to generalize to unseen scenes but suffer from view inconsistency in complex scenes with self-occlusions. To address these issues, our NeuRay method represents every scene by encoding the visibility of rays associated with the input views. This neural representation can efficiently be initialized from depths estimated by external MVS methods, which is able to generalize to new scenes and achieves satisfactory rendering images without any training on the scene. Then, the initialized NeuRay can be further optimized on every scene with little training timing to enforce spatial coherence to ensure view consistency in the presence of severe self-occlusion. Experiments demonstrate that NeuRay can quickly generate high-quality novel view images of unseen scenes with little finetuning and can handle complex scenes with severe self-occlusions which previous methods struggle with.
The light transport (LT) of a scene describes how it appears under different lighting and viewing directions, and complete knowledge of a scenes LT enables the synthesis of novel views under arbitrary lighting. In this paper, we focus on image-based LT acquisition, primarily for human bodies within a light stage setup. We propose a semi-parametric approach to learn a neural representation of LT that is embedded in the space of a texture atlas of known geometric properties, and model all non-diffuse and global LT as residuals added to a physically-accurate diffuse base rendering. In particular, we show how to fuse previously seen observations of illuminants and views to synthesize a new image of the same scene under a desired lighting condition from a chosen viewpoint. This strategy allows the network to learn complex material effects (such as subsurface scattering) and global illumination, while guaranteeing the physical correctness of the diffuse LT (such as hard shadows). With this learned LT, one can relight the scene photorealistically with a directional light or an HDRI map, synthesize novel views with view-dependent effects, or do both simultaneously, all in a unified framework using a set of sparse, previously seen observations. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our neural LT (NLT) outperforms state-of-the-art solutions for relighting and view synthesis, without separate treatment for both problems that prior work requires.
Editing talking-head video to change the speech content or to remove filler words is challenging. We propose a novel method to edit talking-head video based on its transcript to produce a realistic output video in which the dialogue of the speaker has been modified, while maintaining a seamless audio-visual flow (i.e. no jump cuts). Our method automatically annotates an input talking-head video with phonemes, visemes, 3D face pose and geometry, reflectance, expression and scene illumination per frame. To edit a video, the user has to only edit the transcript, and an optimization strategy then chooses segments of the input corpus as base material. The annotated parameters corresponding to the selected segments are seamlessly stitched together and used to produce an intermediate video representation in which the lower half of the face is rendered with a parametric face model. Finally, a recurrent video generation network transforms this representation to a photorealistic video that matches the edited transcript. We demonstrate a large variety of edits, such as the addition, removal, and alteration of words, as well as convincing language translation and full sentence synthesis.
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