Quantum Capacitance Induced Non-Local Electrostatic Gating Effect in Graphene

Abstract in English

Electrostatic gating lies in the heart of modern FET-based integrated circuits. Usually, the gate electrode has to be placed very close to the conduction channel, typically a few nanometers, in order to achieve efficient tunability. However, remote control of a FET device through a gate electrode placed far away is always highly desired, because it not only reduces the complexity of device fabrication, but also enables designing novel devices with new functionalities. Here, a non-local gating effect in graphene using both near-field optical nano-imaging and electrical transport measurement is reported. With assistance of absorbed water molecules, the charge density of graphene can be efficiently tuned by a local-gate placed over 30 {mu}m away. The observed non-local gating effect is initially driven by an in-plane electric field established between graphene regions with different charge densities due to the quantum capacitance near the Dirac point in graphene. The nonlocality is further amplified and largely enhanced by absorbed water molecules through screening the in-plane electric field and expending the transition length. This research reveals novel non-local phenomenon of Dirac electrons, and paves the way for designing electronic devices with remote-control using 2D materials with small density of states.
