Anyonic Parity-Time Symmetric Laser

Abstract in English

Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians play an important role in many branches of physics, from quantum mechanics to acoustics. In particular, the realization of PT, and more recently -- anti-PT symmetries in optical systems has proved to be of great value from both the fundamental as well as the practical perspectives. Here, we study theoretically and demonstrate experimentally a novel anyonic-PT symmetry in a coupled lasers system. This is achieved using complex coupling -- of mixed dispersive and dissipative nature, which allows unprecedented control on the location in parameter space where the symmetry and symmetry-breaking occur. Moreover, our method allows us to realize the more familiar special cases of PT and anti-PT symmetries using the same physical system. In a more general perspective, we present and experimentally validate a new relation between laser synchronization and the symmetry of the underlying non-Hermitian Hamiltonian.
