Radiative lepton mass and muon $g-2$ with suppressed lepton flavor and CP violations

Abstract in English

The recent experimental status, including the confirmation of the muon $g-2$ anomaly at Fermilab, indicates a Beyond Standard Model (BSM) satisfying the following properties: 1) it enhances the $g-2$ 2) suppresses flavor violations, such as $mu to e gamma$, 3) suppresses CP violations, such as the electron electric dipole moment (EDM). In this letter, I show that if the masses of heavy leptons are generated radiatively, the eigenbasis of the mass matrix and higher dimensional photon operators can be automatically aligned. As a result, the muon $g-2$ is enhanced but the EDM of the electron and $mu to e gamma$ rate are suppressed. Phenomenology and applications of the mechanism to the B-physics anomalies are argued.
