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Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equations for the Ghatak-Sherrington mean field spin glass model

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 Added by Cathy Xi Chen
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We derive the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer (TAP) equations for the Ghatak and Sherrington model. Our derivation, based on the cavity method, holds at high temperature and at all values of the crystal field. It confirms the prediction of Yokota.

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165 - Do-Hyun Kim 2014
We propose an expanded spin-glass model, called the quantum Ghatak-Sherrington model, which considers spin-1 quantum spin operators in a crystal field and in a transverse field. The analytic solutions and phase diagrams of this model are obtained by using the one-step replica symmetry-breaking ansatz under the static approximation. Our results represent the splitting within one spin-glass (SG) phase depending on the values of crystal and transverse fields. The two separated SG phases, characterized by a density of filled states, show certain differences in their shapes and phase boundaries. Such SG splitting becomes more distinctive when the degeneracy of the empty states of spins is larger than one of their filled states.
We characterize the phase space for the infinite volume limit of a ferromagnetic mean-field XY model in a random field pointing in one direction with two symmetric values. We determine the stationary solutions and detect possible phase transitions in the interaction strength for fixed random field intensity. We show that at low temperature magnetic ordering appears perpendicularly to the field. The latter situation corresponds to a spin-flop transition.
We develop a simple method to study the high temperature, or high external field, behavior of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick mean field spin glass model. The basic idea is to couple two different replicas with a quadratic term, trying to push out the two replica overlap from its replica symmetric value. In the case of zero external field, our results reproduce the well known validity of the annealed approximation, up to the known critical value for the temperature. In the case of nontrivial external field, we prove the validity of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick replica symmetric solution up to a line, which falls short of the Almeida-Thouless line, associated to the onset of the spontaneous replica symmetry breaking, in the Parisi Ansatz. The main difference with the method, recently developed by Michel Talagrand, is that we employ a quadratic coupling, and not a linear one. The resulting flow equations, with respect to the parameters of the model, turn out to be much simpler, and more tractable. By applying the cavity method, we show also how to determine free energy and overlap fluctuations, in the region where replica symmetry has been shown to hold.
The present work studies the Ghatak-Sherrington (GS) model in the presence of a magnetic random field (RF). Previous results obtained from GS model without RF suggest that disorder and frustration are the key ingredients to produce spontaneous inverse freezing (IF). However, in this model, the effects of disorder and frustration always appear combined. In that sense, the introduction of RF allows us to study the IF under the effects of a disorder which is not a source of frustration. The problem is solved within the one step replica symmetry approximation. The results show that the first order transition between the spin glass and the paramagnetic phases, which is related to the IF for a certain range of crystal field $D$, is gradually suppressed when the RF is increased.
Restricted Boltzmann machines are undirected neural networks which have been shown to be effective in many applications, including serving as initializations for training deep multi-layer neural networks. One of the main reasons for their success is the existence of efficient and practical stochastic algorithms, such as contrastive divergence, for unsupervised training. We propose an alternative deterministic iterative procedure based on an improved mean field method from statistical physics known as the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer approach. We demonstrate that our algorithm provides performance equal to, and sometimes superior to, persistent contrastive divergence, while also providing a clear and easy to evaluate objective function. We believe that this strategy can be easily generalized to other models as well as to more accurate higher-order approximations, paving the way for systematic improvements in training Boltzmann machines with hidden units.
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