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We study the possibility to use line-intensity mapping (LIM) to seek photons from the radiative decay of neutrinos in the cosmic neutrino background. The Standard Model prediction for the rate for these decays is extremely small, but it can be enhanced if new physics increases the neutrino electromagnetic moments. The decay photons will appear as an interloper of astrophysical spectral lines. We propose that the neutrino-decay line can be identified with anisotropies in LIM clustering and also with the voxel intensity distribution. Ongoing and future LIM experiments will have -- depending on the neutrino hierarchy, transition and experiment considered -- a sensitivity to an effective electromagnetic transition moment $sim 10^{-12}, -,10^{-8}, (m_ic^2/{0.1 rm eV})^{3/2}mu_{rm B}$, where $m_i$ is the mass of the decaying neutrino and $mu_{rm B}$ is the Bohr magneton. This will be significantly more sensitive than cosmic microwave background spectral distortions, and it will be competitive with stellar cooling studies. As a byproduct, we also report an analytic form of the one-point probability distribution function for neutrino-density fluctuations, obtained from the Quijote simulations using symbolic regression.
We argue that a cosmic neutrino background that carries non-zero lepton charge develops gravitational instabilities. Fundamentally, these instabilities are related to the mixed gravity-lepton number anomaly. We have explicitly computed the gravitational Chern-Simons term which is generated quantum-mechanically in the effective action in the presence of a lepton number asymmetric neutrino background. The induced Chern-Simons term has a twofold effect: (i) gravitational waves propagating in such a neutrino background exhibit birefringent behaviour leading to an enhancement/suppression of the gravitational wave amplitudes depending on the polarisation, where the magnitude of this effect is related to the size of the lepton asymmetry; (ii) Negative energy graviton modes are induced in the high frequency regime, which leads to very fast vacuum decay producing, e.g., positive energy photons and negative energy gravitons. From the constraint on the present radiation energy density, we obtain an interesting bound on the lepton asymmetry of the universe.
Line-intensity mapping (LIM) of emission form star-forming galaxies can be used to measure the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale as far back as the epoch of reionization. This provides a standard cosmic ruler to constrain the expansion rate of the Universe at redshifts which cannot be directly probed otherwise. In light of growing tension between measurements of the current expansion rate using the local distance ladder and those inferred from the cosmic microwave background, extending the constraints on the expansion history to bridge between the late and early Universe is of paramount importance. Using a newly derived methodology to robustly extract cosmological information from LIM, which minimizes the inherent degeneracy with unknown astrophysics, we show that present and future experiments can gradually improve the measurement precision of the expansion rate history, ultimately reaching percent-level constraints on the BAO scale. Specifically, we provide detailed forecasts for the SPHEREx satellite, which will target the H$alpha$ and Lyman-$alpha$ lines, and for the ground-based COMAP instrument---as well as a future stage-3 experiment---that will target the CO rotational lines. Besides weighing in on the so-called Hubble tension, reliable LIM cosmic rulers can enable wide-ranging tests of dark matter, dark energy and modified gravity.
We consider theories in which the generation of neutrino masses is associated with the breaking of an approximate global lepton number symmetry. In such a scenario the spectrum of light states includes the Majoron, the pseudo-Nambu Goldstone boson associated with the breaking of the global symmetry. For a broad range of parameters, the Majoron decays to neutrinos at late times, after the cosmic neutrinos have decoupled from the thermal bath, resulting in a secondary contribution to the cosmic neutrino background. We determine the current bounds on this scenario, and explore the possibility of directly detecting this secondary cosmic neutrino background in experiments based on neutrino capture on nuclei. For Majoron masses in the eV range or below, the neutrino flux from these decays can be comparable to that from the primary cosmic neutrino background, making it a promising target for direct detection experiments. The neutrinos from Majoron decay are redshifted by the cosmic expansion, and exhibit a characteristic energy spectrum that depends on both the Majoron mass and its lifetime. For Majoron lifetimes of order the age of the universe or larger, there is also a monochromatic contribution to the neutrino flux from Majoron decays in the Milky Way that can be comparable to the diffuse extragalactic flux. We find that for Majoron masses in the eV range, direct detection experiments based on neutrino capture on tritium, such as PTOLEMY, will be sensitive to this scenario with 100 gram-years of data. In the event of a signal, the galactic and extragalactic components can be distinguished on the basis of their distinct energy distributions, and also by using directional information obtained by polarizing the target nuclei.
Existing searches for cosmic axions relics have relied heavily on the axion being non-relativistic and making up dark matter. However, light axions can be copiously produced in the early Universe and remain relativistic today, thereby constituting a Cosmic $textit{axion}$ Background (C$a$B). As prototypical examples of axion sources, we consider thermal production, dark-matter decay, parametric resonance, and topological defect decay. Each of these has a characteristic frequency spectrum that can be searched for in axion direct detection experiments. We focus on the axion-photon coupling and study the sensitivity of current and futu
A new theoretical framework, based on the quantum field theory of open systems applied to neutrinos, has been developed to describe the neutrino evolution in external environments accounting for the effect of the neutrino quantum decoherence. The developed new approach enables one to obtain the explicit expressions of the decoherence and relaxation parameters that account for a particular process, in which the neutrino participates, and also for the characteristics of an external environment and of the neutrino itself, including the neutrino energy. We have used this approach to consider a new mechanism of the neutrino quantum decoherence engendered by the neutrino radiative decay to photons and dark photons in an astrophysical environment. The importance of the performed studies is highlighted by the prospects of the forthcoming new large volume neutrino detectors that will provide new frontier in high-statistics measurements of neutrino fluxes from supernovae.