The strong Pytkeev property and strong countable completeness in (strongly) topological gyrogroups

Abstract in English

A topological gyrogroup is a gyrogroup endowed with a topology such that the binary operation is jointly continuous and the inverse mapping is also continuous. In this paper, it is proved that if $G$ is a sequential topological gyrogroup with an $omega^{omega}$-base, then $G$ has the strong Pytkeev property. Moreover, some equivalent conditions about $omega^{omega}$-base and strong Pytkeev property are given in Baire topological gyrogroups. Finally, it is shown that if $G$ is a strongly countably complete strongly topological gyrogroup, then $G$ contains a closed, countably compact, admissible subgyrogroup $P$ such that the quotient space $G/P$ is metrizable and the canonical homomorphism $pi :Grightarrow G/P$ is closed.
