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Broadband Polarization-Independent Achromatic Metalenses with Unintuitively-Designed Random-Shaped Meta-Atoms

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 Added by Xingjie Ni
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Metasurface lenses, namely metalenses, are ultrathin planar nanostructures that are capable of manipulating the properties of incoming light and imparting lens-like wavefront to the output. Although they have shown promising potentials for the future miniaturization of optics, the chromatic aberration inherited from their diffractive nature plagues them towards many practical applications. Current solutions for creating achromatic metalenses usually require searching through a large number of meta-atoms to find designs that fulfill not only phase but phase dispersion requirements, which leads to intensive design efforts. Besides, most designs are based on regular-shaped antennas driven by the designers intuition and experience, hence only cover a limited design space. Here, we present an inverse design approach that efficiently produces meta-atoms with unintuitive geometries required for broadband achromatic metalenses. We restricted the generated shapes to hold four-fold reflectional symmetry so that the resulting metalenses are polarization insensitive. In addition, meta-atoms generated by our method inheritably have round edges and corners, which make them nanofabrication-friendly. Our experimental characterization shows that our metalenses exhibit superior performance over a broad bandwidth of 465 nm in the near-infrared regime. Our method offers a fast and efficient way of designing high-performance achromatic metalenses and sheds new insights for unintuitive design of other metaphotonic devices.

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Metasurface optics have demonstrated vast potential for implementing traditional optical components in an ultra-compact and lightweight form factor. Metasurface lenses, also called metalenses, however, suffer from severe chromatic aberrations, posing serious limitations on their practical use. Existing approaches for circumventing such aberrations via dispersion engineering are limited to small apertures and often entails multiple scatterers per unit cell with small feature sizes. Here, we present an alternative technique to mitigate chromatic aberration and demonstrate high-quality, full-color imaging using extended depth of focus (EDOF) metalenses and computational reconstruction. Previous EDOF metalenses relied on cubic phase masks that induced asymmetric artifacts in images, whereas here we demonstrate the use of symmetric phase masks that can improve subsequent image quality, including logarithmic-aspherical, and shifted axicon masks. Our work will inspire further development in achromatic metalenses beyond dispersion engineering and open new research avenues on hybrid optical-digital metasurface systems.
Multifocal lens, which focus incident light at multiple foci, are widely used in imaging systems and optical communications. However, for the traditional design strategy, it combines several lenses that have different focal points into a planar integrated unit, resulting a low imaging quality due to the high background noise. Here, we propose two kinds of multifocal metalens with Au nanoslits arranged in an elliptical and a hyperbolic shape, which are able to effectively focus incident light at all of the foci with constructive interference, and extremely decrease the background noise and improve the lens imaging performance at the nanoscale. We further demonstrate that, the proposed metalens can possess a broadband operation wavelength changed from 600 nm to 900 nm, with its dual-polarity actively controlled by the incident circular polarization lights. With great agreement between the experimental and simulation results, our proposed conic-shaped metalens provides a significant potential for the future integrated nanophotonic device.
Molecules composed of atoms exhibit properties not inherent to their constituent atoms. Similarly, meta-molecules consisting of multiple meta-atoms possess emerging features that the meta-atoms themselves do not possess. Metasurfaces composed of meta-molecules with spatially variant building blocks, such as gradient metasurfaces, are drawing substantial attention due to their unconventional controllability of the amplitude, phase, and frequency of light. However, the intricate mechanisms and the large degrees of freedom of the multi-element systems impede an effective strategy for the design and optimization of meta-molecules. Here, we propose a hybrid artificial intelligence-based framework consolidating compositional pattern-producing networks and cooperative coevolution to resolve the inverse design of meta-molecules in metasurfaces. The framework breaks the design of the meta-molecules into separate designs of meta-atoms, and independently solves the smaller design tasks of the meta-atoms through deep learning and evolutionary algorithms. We leverage the proposed framework to design metallic meta-molecules for arbitrary manipulation of the polarization and wavefront of light. Moreover, the efficacy and reliability of the design strategy are confirmed through experimental validations. This framework reveals a promising candidate approach to expedite the design of large-scale metasurfaces in a labor-saving, systematic manner.
116 - He Yang , Bo Fua , Diao Lia 2015
We introduce a simple approach to fabricate aligned carbon nanotube (ACNT) device for broadband polarization control in fiber laser systems. The ACNT device was fabricated by pulling from as-fabricated vertically-aligned carbon nanotube arrays. Their anisotropic property is confirmed with optical and scanning electron microscopy, and with polarized Raman and absorption spectroscopy. The device was then integrated into fiber laser systems (at two technologically important wavelengths of 1 and 1.5 um) for polarization control. We obtained a linearly-polarized light output with the maximum extinction ratio of ~12 dB. The output polarization direction could be fully controlled by the ACNT alignment direction in both lasers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that ACNT device is applied to polarization control in laser systems. Our results exhibit that the ACNT device is a simple, low-cost, and broadband polarizer to control laser polarization dynamics, for various photonic applications (such as material processing, polarization diversity detection in communications), where the linear polarization control is necessary.
In this paper, a broadband tunable polarization converter based on graphene metasurfaces is proposed. This polarization converter works in the terahertz (THz) frequency region, using the advantage of graphene characteristics to have a tunable frequency response. The designed graphene-shaped periodic structure on top of the substrate is utilized to convert the incident wave polarization to the desired target in a flexible operational band in the THz frequencies. The polarization conversion ratio is more than 0.85 in a wide range of frequencies in the THz band from 4.86 to 8.42 THz (the fractional bandwidth is 54%). The proposed polarization converter is insensitive to the angle of the incident wave up to 40{deg}. Using graphene provides a tunable frequency response without changing the geometry of the designed structure.
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