Beyond Perturbation Theory in Inflation

Abstract in English

Inflationary perturbations are approximately Gaussian and deviations from Gaussianity are usually calculated using in-in perturbation theory. This method, however, fails for unlikely events on the tail of the probability distribution: in this regime non-Gaussianities are important and perturbation theory breaks down for $|zeta| gtrsim |f_{rm scriptscriptstyle NL}|^{-1}$. In this paper we show that this regime is amenable to a semiclassical treatment, $hbar to 0$. In this limit the wavefunction of the Universe can be calculated in saddle-point, corresponding to a resummation of all the tree-level Witten diagrams. The saddle can be found by solving numerically the classical (Euclidean) non-linear equations of motion, with prescribed boundary conditions. We apply these ideas to a model with an inflaton self-interaction $propto lambda dotzeta^4$. Numerical and analytical methods show that the tail of the probability distribution of $zeta$ goes as $exp(-lambda^{-1/4}zeta^{3/2})$, with a clear non-perturbative dependence on the coupling. Our results are relevant for the calculation of the abundance of primordial black holes.
