AutoFlow: Hotspot-Aware, Dynamic Load Balancing for Distributed Stream Processing

Abstract in English

Stream applications are widely deployed on the cloud. While modern distributed streaming systems like Flink and Spark Streaming can schedule and execute them efficiently, streaming dataflows are often dynamically changing, which may cause computation imbalance and backpressure. We introduce AutoFlow, an automatic, hotspot-aware dynamic load balance system for streaming dataflows. It incorporates a centralized scheduler which monitors the load balance in the entire dataflow dynamically and implements state migrations correspondingly. The scheduler achieves these two tasks using a simple asynchronous distributed control message mechanism and a hotspot-diminishing algorithm. The timing mechanism supports implicit barriers and a highly efficient state-migration without global barriers or pauses to operators. It also supports a time-window based load-balance measurement and feeds them to the hotspot-diminishing algorithm without user interference. We implemented AutoFlow on top of Ray, an actor-based distributed execution framework. Our evaluation based on various streaming benchmark dataset shows that AutoFlow achieves good load-balance and incurs a low latency overhead in highly data-skew workload.
