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Visualizing Outliers in High Dimensional Functional Data for Task fMRI data exploration

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (task fMRI) is a non-invasive technique that allows identifying brain regions whose activity changes when individuals are asked to perform a given task. This contributes to the understanding of how the human brain is organized in functionally distinct subdivisions. Task fMRI experiments from high-resolution scans provide hundred of thousands of longitudinal signals for each individual, corresponding to measurements of brain activity over each voxel of the brain along the duration of the experiment. In this context, we propose some visualization techniques for high dimensional functional data relying on depth-based notions that allow for computationally efficient 2-dim representations of tfMRI data and that shed light on sample composition, outlier presence and individual variability. We believe that this step is crucial previously to any inferential approach willing to identify neuroscientific patterns across individuals, tasks and brain regions. We illustrate the proposed technique through a simulation study and demonstrate its application on a motor and language task fMRI experiment.

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We propose an alternative to $k$-nearest neighbors for functional data whereby the approximating neighboring curves are piecewise functions built from a functional sample. Using a locally defined distance function that satisfies stabilization criteria, we establish pointwise and global approximation results in function spaces when the number of data curves is large enough. We exploit this feature to develop the asymptotic theory when a finite number of curves is observed at time-points given by an i.i.d. sample whose cardinality increases up to infinity. We use these results to investigate the problem of estimating unobserved segments of a partially observed functional data sample as well as to study the problem of functional classification and outlier detection. For such problems, our methods are competitive with and sometimes superior to benchmark predictions in the field.
87 - Peng Liu , Yusi Fang , Zhao Ren 2020
High-throughput microarray and sequencing technology have been used to identify disease subtypes that could not be observed otherwise by using clinical variables alone. The classical unsupervised clustering strategy concerns primarily the identification of subpopulations that have similar patterns in gene features. However, as the features corresponding to irrelevant confounders (e.g. gender or age) may dominate the clustering process, the resulting clusters may or may not capture clinically meaningful disease subtypes. This gives rise to a fundamental problem: can we find a subtyping procedure guided by a pre-specified disease outcome? Existing methods, such as supervised clustering, apply a two-stage approach and depend on an arbitrary number of selected features associated with outcome. In this paper, we propose a unified latent generative model to perform outcome-guided disease subtyping constructed from omics data, which improves the resulting subtypes concerning the disease of interest. Feature selection is embedded in a regularization regression. A modified EM algorithm is applied for numerical computation and parameter estimation. The proposed method performs feature selection, latent subtype characterization and outcome prediction simultaneously. To account for possible outliers or violation of mixture Gaussian assumption, we incorporate robust estimation using adaptive Huber or median-truncated loss function. Extensive simulations and an application to complex lung diseases with transcriptomic and clinical data demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to identify clinically relevant disease subtypes and signature genes suitable to explore toward precision medicine.
Aggregation of large databases in a specific format is a frequently used process to make the data easily manageable. Interval-valued data is one of the data types that is generated by such an aggregation process. Using traditional methods to analyze interval-valued data results in loss of information, and thus, several interval-valued data models have been proposed to gather reliable information from such data types. On the other hand, recent technological developments have led to high dimensional and complex data in many application areas, which may not be analyzed by traditional techniques. Functional data analysis is one of the most commonly used techniques to analyze such complex datasets. While the functional extensions of much traditional statistical techniques are available, the functional form of the interval-valued data has not been studied well. This paper introduces the functional forms of some well-known regression models that take interval-valued data. The proposed methods are based on the function-on-function regression model, where both the response and predictor/s are functional. Through several Monte Carlo simulations and empirical data analysis, the finite sample performance of the proposed methods is evaluated and compared with the state-of-the-art.
We propose a new method for clustering of functional data using a $k$-means framework. We work within the elastic functional data analysis framework, which allows for decomposition of the overall variation in functional data into amplitude and phase components. We use the amplitude component to partition functions into shape clusters using an automated approach. To select an appropriate number of clusters, we additionally propose a novel Bayesian Information Criterion defined using a mixture model on principal components estimated using functional Principal Component Analysis. The proposed method is motivated by the problem of posterior exploration, wherein samples obtained from Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms are naturally represented as functions. We evaluate our approach using a simulated dataset, and apply it to a study of acute respiratory infection dynamics in San Luis Potos{i}, Mexico.
Smart metering infrastructures collect data almost continuously in the form of fine-grained long time series. These massive time series often have common daily patterns that are repeated between similar days or seasons and shared between grouped meters. Within this context, we propose a method to highlight individuals with abnormal daily dependency patterns, which we term evolution outliers. To this end, we approach the problem from the standpoint of Functional Data Analysis (FDA), by treating each daily record as a function or curve. We then focus on the morphological aspects of the observed curves, such as daily magnitude, daily shape, derivatives, and inter-day evolution. The proposed method for evolution outliers relies on the concept of functional depth, which has been a cornerstone in the literature of FDA to build shape and magnitude outlier detection methods. In conjunction with our evolution outlier proposal, these methods provide an outlier detection toolbox for smart meter data that covers a wide palette of functional outliers classes. We illustrate the outlier identification ability of this toolbox using actual smart metering data corresponding to photovoltaic energy generation and circuit voltage records.
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