Planckian Metal at a Doping-Induced Quantum Critical Point

Abstract in English

We numerically study a model of interacting spin-$1/2$ electrons with random exchange coupling on a fully connected lattice. This model hosts a quantum critical point separating two distinct metallic phases as a function of doping: a Fermi liquid phase with a large Fermi surface volume and a low-doping phase with local moments ordering into a spin-glass. We show that this quantum critical point has non-Fermi liquid properties characterized by $T$-linear Planckian behavior, $omega/T$ scaling and slow spin dynamics of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) type. The $omega/T$ scaling function associated with the electronic self-energy is found to have an intrinsic particle-hole asymmetry, a hallmark of a `skewed non-Fermi liquid.
