Diffusion-free scaling in rotating spherical Rayleigh-Benard convection

Abstract in English

Direct numerical simulations are employed to reveal three distinctly different flow regions in rotating spherical Rayleigh-Benard convection. In the low-latitude region $mathrm{I}$ vertical (parallel to the axis of rotation) convective columns are generated between the hot inner and the cold outer sphere. The mid-latitude region $mathrm{II}$ is dominated by vertically aligned convective columns formed between the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the outer sphere. The diffusion-free scaling, which indicates bulk-dominated convection, originates from this mid-latitude region. In the equator region $mathrm{III}$ the vortices are affected by the outer spherical boundary and are much shorter than in region $mathrm{II}$. Thermally driven turbulence with background rotation in spherical Rayleigh-Benard convection is found to be characterized by three distinctly different flow regions. The diffusion-free scaling, which indicates the heat transfer is bulk-dominated, originates from the mid-latitude region in which vertically aligned vortices are stretched between the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the outer sphere. These results show that the flow physics in rotating convection are qualitatively different in planar and spherical geometries. This finding underlines that it is crucial to study convection in spherical geometries to better understand geophysical and astrophysical flow phenomena.
