Quality-Aware Network for Human Parsing

Abstract in English

How to estimate the quality of the network output is an important issue, and currently there is no effective solution in the field of human parsing. In order to solve this problem, this work proposes a statistical method based on the output probability map to calculate the pixel quality information, which is called pixel score. In addition, the Quality-Aware Module (QAM) is proposed to fuse the different quality information, the purpose of which is to estimate the quality of human parsing results. We combine QAM with a concise and effective network design to propose Quality-Aware Network (QANet) for human parsing. Benefiting from the superiority of QAM and QANet, we achieve the best performance on three multiple and one single human parsing benchmarks, including CIHP, MHP-v2, Pascal-Person-Part and LIP. Without increasing the training and inference time, QAM improves the AP$^text{r}$ criterion by more than 10 points in the multiple human parsing task. QAM can be extended to other tasks with good quality estimation, e.g. instance segmentation. Specifically, QAM improves Mask R-CNN by ~1% mAP on COCO and LVISv1.0 datasets. Based on the proposed QAM and QANet, our overall system wins 1st place in CVPR2019 COCO DensePose Challenge, and 1st place in Track 1 & 2 of CVPR2020 LIP Challenge. Code and models are available at https://github.com/soeaver/QANet.
