Learning Invariant Representations across Domains and Tasks

Abstract in English

Being expensive and time-consuming to collect massive COVID-19 image samples to train deep classification models, transfer learning is a promising approach by transferring knowledge from the abundant typical pneumonia datasets for COVID-19 image classification. However, negative transfer may deteriorate the performance due to the feature distribution divergence between two datasets and task semantic difference in diagnosing pneumonia and COVID-19 that rely on different characteristics. It is even more challenging when the target dataset has no labels available, i.e., unsupervised task transfer learning. In this paper, we propose a novel Task Adaptation Network (TAN) to solve this unsupervised task transfer problem. In addition to learning transferable features via domain-adversarial training, we propose a novel task semantic adaptor that uses the learning-to-learn strategy to adapt the task semantics. Experiments on three public COVID-19 datasets demonstrate that our proposed method achieves superior performance. Especially on COVID-DA dataset, TAN significantly increases the recall and F1 score by 5.0% and 7.8% compared to recently strong baselines. Moreover, we show that TAN also achieves superior performance on several public domain adaptation benchmarks.
