Global study of separable pairing interaction in covariant density functional theory

Abstract in English

A systematic global investigation of pairing properties based on all available experimental data on pairing indicators has been performed for the first time in the framework of covariant density functional theory. It is based on separable pairing interaction of Ref. [1]. The optimization of the scaling factors of this interaction to experimental data clearly reveals its isospin dependence in neutron subsystem. However, the situation is less certain in proton subsystem since similar accuracy of the description of pairing indicators can be achieved both with isospin-dependent and mass-dependent scaling factors. The differences in the functional dependencies of scaling factors lead to the uncertainties in the prediction of proton and neutron pairing properties which are especially pronounced at high isospin and could have a significant impact on some physical observables. For a given part of nuclear chart the scaling factors for spherical nuclei are smaller than those for deformed ones; this feature exists also in non-relativistic density functional theories. Its origin is traced back to particle-vibration coupling in odd-$A$ nuclei which is missing in all existing global studies of pairing. Although the present investigation is based on the NL5(E) covariant energy density functional (CEDF), its general conclusions are expected to be valid also for other CEDFs built at the Hartree level.
