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Quantum study of reaction O(3P) + H2(v,j) $rightarrow$ OH + H: OH formation in strongly UV-irradiated gas

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 Added by Marcelino Agundez
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The reaction between atomic oxygen and molecular hydrogen is an important one in astrochemistry as it regulates the abundance of the hydroxyl radical and serves to open the chemistry of oxygen in diverse astronomical environments. However, the existence of a high activation barrier in the reaction with ground state oxygen atoms limits its efficiency in cold gas. In this study we calculate the dependence of the reaction rate coefficient on the rotational and vibrational state of H$_2$ and evaluate the impact on the abundance of OH in interstellar regions strongly irradiated by far-UV photons, where H2 can be efficiently pumped to excited vibrational states. We use a recently calculated potential energy surface and carry out time-independent quantum mechanical scattering calculations to compute rate coefficients for the reaction O(3P) + H2(v,j) -> OH + H, with H2 in vibrational states v = 0-7 and rotational states j = 0-10. We find that the reaction becomes significantly faster with increasing vibrational quantum number of H2, although even for high vibrational states of H2 (v = 4-5) for which the reaction is barrierless, the rate coefficient does not strictly attain the collision limit and still maintains a positive dependence with temperature. We implemented the calculated state-specific rate coefficients in the Meudon PDR code to model the Orion Bar PDR and evaluate the impact on the abundance of the OH radical. We find the fractional abundance of OH is enhanced by up to one order of magnitude in regions of the cloud corresponding to Av = 1.3-2.3, compared to the use of a thermal rate coefficient for O + H2, although the impact on the column density of OH is modest, of about 60 %. The calculated rate coefficients will be useful to model and interpret JWST observations of OH in strongly UV-illuminated environments.

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124 - Y. Oba , N. Watanabe , T. Hama 2012
The present study experimentally demonstrated that solid H2O is formed through the surface reaction OH + H2 at 10 K. This is the first experimental evidence of solid H2O formation using hydrogen in its molecular form at temperatures as low as 10 K. We further found that H2O formation through the reaction OH + H2 is about one order of magnitude more effective than HDO formation through the reaction OH + D2. This significant isotope effect results from differences in the effective mass of each reaction, indicating that the reactions proceed through quantum tunneling.
We calculated reaction rate constants including atom tunneling of the reaction of dihydrogen with the hydroxy radical down to a temperature of 50 K. Instanton theory and canonical variational theory with microcanonical optimized multidimensional tunneling (CVT/$mu$OMT) were applied using a fitted potential energy surface [J. Chem. Phys. 138, 154301 (2013)]. All possible protium/deuterium isotopologues were considered. Atom tunneling increases at about 250 K (200 K for deuterium transfer). Even at 50 K the rate constants of all isotopologues remain in the interval $ 4 cdot 10^{-20}$ to $4 cdot 10^{-17}$ cm$^3$ s$^{-1}$ , demonstrating that even deuterat
We investigate the presence of COMs in strongly UV-irradiated interstellar molecular gas. We have carried out a complete millimetre line survey using the IRAM30m telescope towards the edge of the Orion Bar photodissociation region (PDR), close to the H2 dissociation front, a position irradiated by a very intense far-UV (FUV) radiation field. These observations have been complemented with 8.5 arcsec resolution maps of the H2CO 5(1,5)-4(1,4) and C18O 3-2 emission at 0.9 mm. Despite being a harsh environment, we detect more than 250 lines from COMs and related precursors: H2CO, CH3OH, HCO, H2CCO, CH3CHO, H2CS, HCOOH, CH3CN, CH2NH, HNCO, H13-2CO, and HC3N (in decreasing order of abundance). For each species, the large number of detected lines allowed us to accurately constrain their rotational temperatures (Trot) and column densities (N). Owing to subthermal excitation and intricate spectroscopy of some COMs (symmetric- and asymmetric-top molecules such as CH3CN and H2CO, respectively), a correct determination of N and Trot requires building rotational population diagrams of their rotational ladders separately. We also provide accurate upper limit abundances for chemically related molecules that might have been expected, but are not conclusively detected at the edge of the PDR (HDCO, CH3O, CH3NC, CH3CCH, CH3OCH3, HCOOCH3, CH3CH2OH, CH3CH2CN, and CH2CHCN). A non-LTE LVG excitation analysis for molecules with known collisional rate coefficients, suggests that some COMs arise from different PDR layers but we cannot resolve them spatially. In particular, H2CO and CH3CN survive in the extended gas directly exposed to the strong FUV flux (Tk = 150-250 K and Td > 60 K), whereas CH3OH only arises from denser and cooler gas clumps in the more shielded PDR interior (Tk = 40-50 K). We find a HCO/H2CO/CH3OH = 1/5/3 abundance ratio. These ratios are different from those inferred in hot cores and shocks.
We report observations of the reactive molecular ions OH$^+$, H$_2$O$^+$, and H$_3$O$^+$ towards Orion KL with Herschel/HIFI. All three $N=1-0$ fine-structure transitions of OH$^+$ at 909, 971, and 1033GHz and both fine-structure components of the doublet {it ortho}-H$_2$O$^+$ $1_{11}-0_{00}$ transition at 1115 and 1139GHz were detected; an upper limit was obtained for H$_3$O$^+$. OH$^+$ and H$_2$O$^+$ are observed purely in absorption, showing a narrow component at the source velocity of 9 kms$^{-1}$, and a broad blueshifted absorption similar to that reported recently for HF and {it para}-H$_{2}^{18}$O, and attributed to the low velocity outflow of Orion KL. We estimate column densities of OH$^+$ and H$_2$O$^+$ for the 9 km s$^{-1}$ component of $9 pm 3 times 10^{12}$cm$^{-2}$ and $7 pm 2 times 10^{12}$cm$^{-2}$, and those in the outflow of $1.9 pm 0.7 times 10^{13}$cm$^{-2}$ and $1.0 pm 0.3 times 10^{13}$cm$^{-2}$. Upper limits of $2.4times 10^{12}$cm$^{-2}$ and $8.7times 10^{12}$cm$^{-2}$ were derived for the column densities of {it ortho} and {it para}-H$_3$O$^+$ from transitions near 985 and 1657GHz. The column densities of the three ions are up to an order of magnitude lower than those obtained from recent observations of W31C and W49N. The comparatively low column densities may be explained by a higher gas density despite the assumption of a very high ionization rate.
Supersonic turbulence results in strong density fluctuations in the interstellar medium (ISM), which have a profound effect on the chemical structure. Particularly useful probes of the diffuse ISM are the ArH$^+$, OH$^+$, H$_2$O$^+$ molecular ions, which are highly sensitive to fluctuations in the density and the H$_2$ abundance. We use isothermal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of various sonic Mach numbers, $mathcal{M}_s$, and density decorrelation scales, $y_{rm dec}$, to model the turbulent density field. We post-process the simulations with chemical models and obtain the probability density functions (PDFs) for the H$_2$, ArH$^+$, OH$^+$ and H$_2$O$^+$ abundances. We find that the PDF dispersions increases with increasing $mathcal{M}_s$ and $y_{rm dec}$, as the magnitude of the density fluctuations increases, and as they become more coherent. Turbulence also affects the median abundances: when $mathcal{M}_s$ and $y_{rm dec}$ are high, low-density regions with low H$_2$ abundance become prevalent, resulting in an enhancement of ArH$^+$ compared to OH$^+$ and H$_2$O$^+$. We compare our models with Herschel observations. The large scatter in the observed abundances, as well as the high observed ArH$^+$/OH$^+$ and ArH$^+$/H$_2$O$^+$ ratios are naturally reproduced by our supersonic $(mathcal{M}_s=4.5)$, large decorrelation scale $(y_{rm dec}=0.8)$ model, supporting a scenario of a large-scale turbulence driving. The abundances also depend on the UV intensity, CR ionization rate, and the cloud column density, and the observed scatter may be influenced by fluctuations in these parameters.
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