Amplitude of solar gravity modes generated by penetrative plumes

Abstract in English

The detection of gravity modes is expected to give us unprecedented insights into the inner dynamics of the Sun. Within this framework, predicting their amplitudes is essential to guide future observational strategies and seismic studies. In this work, we predict the amplitude of low-frequency asymptotic gravity modes generated by penetrative convection at the top of the radiative zone. The result is found to depend critically on the time evolution of the plumes inside the generation region. Using a solar model, we compute the GOLF apparent surface radial velocity of low-degree gravity modes in the frequency range $10~mu H_zle u le 100~mu H_z$. In case of a Gaussian plume time evolution, gravity modes turn out to be undetectable because of too small surface amplitudes. This holds true despite a wide range of values considered for the parameters of the model. In the other limiting case of an exponential time evolution, plumes are expected to drive gravity modes in a much more efficient way because of a much higher temporal coupling between the plumes and the modes than in the Gaussian case. Using reasonable values for the plume parameters based on semi-analytical models, the apparent surface velocities in this case turn out to be one order of magnitude smaller than the 22-years GOLF detection threshold and than the previous estimates considering turbulent pressure as the driving mechanism, with a maximum value of $0.05$ cm s${}^{-1}$ for $ell =1$ and $ uapprox 100~mu H_z$. When accounting for uncertainties on the plume parameters, the apparent surface velocities in the most favorable plausible case become comparable to those predicted with turbulent pressure, and the GOLF observation time required for a detection at $ u approx100~mu H_z$ and $ell=1$ is reduced to about 50 yrs.
