Broadband Imaging of Meteor Radio Afterglows

Abstract in English

We present observations of 86 meteor radio afterglows (MRAs) using the new broadband imager at the Long Wavelength Array Sevilleta (LWA-SV) station. The MRAs were detected using the all-sky images with a bandwidth up to 20 MHz. We fit the spectra with both a power law and a log-normal function. When fit with a power law, the spectra varied from flat to steep and the derived spectral index distribution from the fit peaked at -1.65. When fit with a log-normal function, the spectra exhibits turnovers at frequencies between 30-40 MHz, and appear to be a better functional fit to the spectra. We compared the spectral parameters from the two fitting methods with the physical properties of MRAs. We observe a weak correlation between the log-normal turnover frequency and the altitude of MRAs. However, the spectral indices from the power law fit do not show any strong correlations with the physical properties of MRAs.
