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On-sky measurements of atmospheric dispersion: II. Atmospheric models characterization

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 Added by Bachar Wehbe
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Differential atmospheric dispersion is a wavelength-dependent effect introduced by Earths atmosphere that affects astronomical observations performed using ground-based telescopes. It is important, when observing at a zenithal angle different from zero, to use an Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (ADC) to compensate this atmospheric dispersion. The design of an ADC is based on atmospheric models that, to the best of our knowledge, were never tested against on-sky measurements. We present an extensive models analysis in the wavelength range of 315-665 nm. The method we used was previously described in the paper I of this series. It is based on the use of cross-dispersion spectrographs to determine the position of the centroid of the spatial profile at each wavelength of each spectral order. The accuracy of the method is 18 mas. At this level, we are able to compare and characterize the different atmospheric dispersion models of interest. For better future ADC designs, we recommend to avoid the Zemax model, and in particular in the blue range of the spectra, when expecting residuals at the level of few tens of milli-arcseconds.

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172 - P. Figueira 2011
The precision of radial velocity (RV) measurements depends on the precision attained on the wavelength calibration. One of the available options is using atmospheric lines as a natural, freely available wavelength reference. Figueira et al. (2010) measured the RV of O2 lines using HARPS and showed that the scatter was only of ~10 m/s over a timescale of 6 yr. Using a simple but physically motivated empirical model, they demonstrated a precision of 2 m/s, roughly twice the average photon noise contribution. In this paper we take advantage of a unique opportunity to confirm the sensitivity of the telluric absorption lines RV to different atmospheric and observing conditions: by means of contemporaneous in-situ wind measurements by radiosondes. The RV model fitting yielded similar results to that of Figueira et al. (2010), with lower wind magnitude values and varied wind direction. The probes confirmed the average low wind magnitude and suggested that the average wind direction is a function of time as well. The two approaches deliver the same results in what concerns wind magnitude and agree on wind direction when fitting is done in segments of a couple of hours. Statistical tests show that the model provides a good description of the data on all timescales, being always preferable to not fitting any atmospheric variation. The smaller the timescale on which the fitting can be performed (down to a couple of hours), the better the description of the real physical parameters. We conclude then that the two methods deliver compatible results, down to better than 5 m/s and less than twice the estimated photon noise contribution on O2 lines RV measurement. However, we cannot rule out that parameters alpha and gamma (dependence on airmass and zero-point, respectively) have a dependence on time or exhibit some cross-talk with other parameters (abridged).
Adaptive optic (AO) systems delivering high levels of wavefront correction are now common at observatories. One of the main limitations to image quality after wavefront correction comes from atmospheric refraction. An Atmospheric dispersion compensator (ADC) is employed to correct for atmospheric refraction. The correction is applied based on a look-up table consisting of dispersion values as a function of telescope elevation angle. The look-up table based correction of atmospheric dispersion results in imperfect compensation leading to the presence of residual dispersion in the point-spread function (PSF) and is insufficient when sub-milliarcsecond precision is required. The presence of residual dispersion can limit the achievable contrast while employing high-performance coronagraphs or can compromise high-precision astrometric measurements. In this paper, we present the first on-sky closed-loop correction of atmospheric dispersion by directly using science path images. The concept behind the measurement of dispersion utilizes the chromatic scaling of focal plane speckles. An adaptive speckle grid generated with a deformable mirror (DM) that has a sufficiently large number of actuators is used to accurately measure the residual dispersion and subsequently correct it by driving the ADC. We have demonstrated with the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme AO (SCExAO) system on-sky closed-loop correction of residual dispersion to < 1 mas across H-band. This work will aid in the direct detection of habitable exoplanets with upcoming extremely large telescopes (ELTs) and also provide a diagnostic tool to test the performance of instruments which require sub-milliarcsecond correction.
Context. High-contrast imaging is currently the only available technique for the study of the thermodynamical and compositional properties of exoplanets in long-period orbits. The SPICES project is a coronagraphic space telescope dedicated to the spectro-polarimetric analysis of gaseous and icy giant planets as well as super-Earths at visible wavelengths. So far, studies for high-contrast imaging instruments have mainly focused on technical feasibility because of the challenging planet/star flux ratio of 10-8-10-10 required at short separations (200 mas or so) to image cold exoplanets. However, the analysis of planet atmospheric/surface properties has remained largely unexplored. Aims. The aim of this paper is to determine which planetary properties SPICES or an equivalent direct imaging mission can measure, considering realistic reflected planet spectra and instrument limitation. Methods. We use numerical simulations of the SPICES instrument concept and theoretical planet spectra to carry out this performance study. Results. We find that the characterization of the main planetary properties (identification of molecules, effect of metallicity, presence of clouds and type of surfaces) would require a median signal-to-noise ratio of at least 30. In the case of a solar-type star leq 10 pc, SPICES will be able to study Jupiters and Neptunes up to ~5 and ~2 AU respectively. It would also analyze cloud and surface coverage of super-Earths of radius 2.5 RE at 1 AU. Finally, we determine the potential targets in terms of planet separation, radius and distance for several stellar types. For a Sun analog, we show that SPICES could characterize Jupiters (M geq 30 ME) as small as 0.5 Jupiter radii at ~2 AU up to 10 pc, and super-Earths at 1-2 AU for the handful of stars that exist within 4-5 pc. Potentially, SPICES could perform analysis of a hypothetical Earth-size planet around alpha Cen A and B.
This white paper, written in support of NASAs 2023-2032 Planetary Decadal Survey, outlines 10 major questions that focus on the origin, evolution, and current processes that shape the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune. Prioritizing these questions over the next decade will greatly improve our understanding of this unique class of planets, which have remained largely unexplored since the Voyager flybys. Studying the atmospheres of the Ice Giants will greatly inform our understanding of the origin and evolution of the solar system as a whole, in addition to the growing number of exoplanetary systems that contain Neptune-mass planets.
Wind is the process that connects Mars climate system. Measurements of Mars atmospheric winds from orbit would dramatically advance our understanding of Mars and help prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. Multiple instrument candidates are in development and will be ready for flight in the next decade. We urge the Decadal Survey to make these measurements a priority for 2023-2032.
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