Near-Room Temperature Ferromagnetic Insulating State in Highly Distorted LaCoO2.5 with CoO5 Square Pyramids

Abstract in English

Dedicated control of oxygen vacancies is an important route to functionalizing complex oxide films. It is well-known that tensile strain significantly lowers the oxygen vacancy formation energy, whereas compressive strain plays a minor role. Thus, atomically reconstruction by extracting oxygen from a compressive-strained film is challenging. Here we report an unexpected LaCoO2.5 phase with a zigzag-like oxygen vacancy ordering through annealing a compressive-strained LaCoO3 in vacuum. The synergetic tilt and distortion of CoO5 square pyramids with large La and Co shifts are quantified using scanning transmission electron microscopy. The large in-plane expansion of CoO5 square pyramids weaken the crystal-field splitting and facilitated the ordered high-spin state of Co2+, which produces an insulating ferromagnetic state with a Curie temperature of ~284 K and a saturation magnetization of ~0.25 {mu}B/Co. These results demonstrate that extracting targeted oxygen from a compressive-strained oxide provides an opportunity for creating unexpected crystal structures and novel functionalities.
