Understanding Species Abundance Distributions in Complex Ecosystems of Interacting Species

Abstract in English

Niche and neutral theory are two prevailing, yet much debated, ideas in ecology proposed to explain the patterns of biodiversity. Whereas niche theory emphasizes selective differences between species and interspecific interactions in shaping the community, neutral theory supposes functional equivalence between species and points to stochasticity as the primary driver of ecological dynamics. In this work, we draw a bridge between these two opposing theories. Starting from a Lotka-Volterra (LV) model with demographic noise and random symmetric interactions, we analytically derive the stationary population statistics and species abundance distribution (SAD). Using these results, we demonstrate that the model can exhibit three classes of SADs commonly found in niche and neutral theories and found conditions that allow an ecosystem to transition between these various regimes. Thus, we reconcile how neutral-like statistics may arise from a diverse community with niche differentiation.
