Mutual Information Scaling for Tensor Network Machine Learning

Abstract in English

Tensor networks have emerged as promising tools for machine learning, inspired by their widespread use as variational ansatzes in quantum many-body physics. It is well known that the success of a given tensor network ansatz depends in part on how well it can reproduce the underlying entanglement structure of the target state, with different network designs favoring different scaling patterns. We demonstrate here how a related correlation analysis can be applied to tensor network machine learning, and explore whether classical data possess correlation scaling patterns similar to those found in quantum states. We utilize mutual information as a natural analog to entanglement for classical data, and show that it can serve as a lower-bound on the network entanglement needed for probabilistic classification. We then develop a logistic regression algorithm to estimate the mutual information between bipartitions of data features, and verify its accuracy on a set of Gaussian distributions designed to mimic different correlation patterns. Using this algorithm, we characterize the scaling patterns in the MNIST and Tiny Images datasets, and find clear evidence of boundary-law scaling in the latter.
