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The miniJPAS survey: Identification and characterization of galaxy populations with the J-PAS photometric system

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 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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J-PAS will soon start imaging 8000 deg2 of the northern sky with its unique set of 56 filters (R $sim$ 60). Before, we observed 1 deg2 on the AEGIS field with an interim camera with all the J-PAS filters. With this data (miniJPAS), we aim at proving the scientific potential of J-PAS to identify and characterize the galaxy populations with the goal of performing galaxy evolution studies across cosmic time. Several SED-fitting codes are used to constrain the stellar population properties of a complete flux-limited sample (rSDSS <= 22.5 AB) of miniJPAS galaxies that extends up to z = 1. We find consistent results on the galaxy properties derived from the different codes, independently of the galaxy spectral-type or redshift. For galaxies with SNR>=10, we estimate that the J-PAS photometric system allows to derive stellar population properties with a precision that is equivalent to that obtained with spectroscopic surveys of similar SNR. By using the dust-corrected (u-r) colour-mass diagram, a powerful proxy to characterize galaxy populations, we find that the fraction of red and blue galaxies evolves with cosmic time, with red galaxies being $sim$ 38% and $sim$ 18% of the whole population at z = 0.1 and z = 0.5, respectively. At all redshifts, the more massive galaxies belong to the red sequence and these galaxies are typically older and more metal rich than their counterparts in the blue cloud. Our results confirm that with J-PAS data we will be able to analyze large samples of galaxies up to z $sim$ 1, with galaxy stellar masses above of log(M$_*$/M$_{odot}$) $sim$ 8.9, 9.5, and 9.9 at z = 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7, respectively. The SFH of a complete sub-sample of galaxies selected at z $sim$ 0.1 with log(M$_*$/M$_{odot}$) > 8.3 constrain the cosmic evolution of the star formation rate density up to z $sim$ 3 in good agreement with results from cosmological surveys.

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MiniJPAS is a ~1 deg^2 imaging survey of the AEGIS field in 60 bands, performed to demonstrate the scientific potential of the upcoming JPAS survey. Full coverage of the 3800-9100 AA range with 54 narrow and 6 broad optical filters allow for extremely accurate photo-z, which applied over 1000s of deg^2 will enable new applications of the photo-z technique such as measurement of baryonic acoustic oscillations. In this paper we describe the method used to obtain the photo-z included in the publicly available miniJPAS catalogue, and characterise the photo-z performance. We build 100 AA resolution photo-spectra from the PSF-corrected forced-aperture photometry. Systematic offsets in the photometry are corrected by applying magnitude shifts obtained through iterative fitting with stellar population synthesis models. We compute photo-z with a customised version of LePhare, using a set of templates optimised for the J-PAS filter-set. We analyse the accuracy of miniJPAS photo-z and their dependence on multiple quantities using a subsample of 5,266 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts from SDSS and DEEP, that we find to be representative of the whole r<23 miniJPAS sample. Formal uncertainties for the photo-z that are calculated with the deltachi^2 method underestimate the actual redshift errors. The odds parameter has the stronger correlation with |Dz|, and accurately reproduces the probability of a redshift outlier (|Dz|>0.03) irrespective of the magnitude, redshift, or spectral type of the sources. We show that the two main summary statistics characterising the photo-z accuracy for a population of galaxies (snmad and eta) can be predicted by the distribution of odds in such population, and use this to estimate them for the whole miniJPAS sample. At r<23 there are 17,500 galaxies/deg^2 with valid photo-z estimates, of which 4,200 are expected to have |Dz|<0.003 (abridged).
We study the consistency of the physical properties of galaxies retrieved from SED-fitting as a function of spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Using a selection of physically motivated star formation histories, we set up a control sample of mock galaxy spectra representing observations of the local universe in high-resolution spectroscopy, and in 56 narrow-band and 5 broad-band photometry. We fit the SEDs at these spectral resolutions and compute their corresponding the stellar mass, the mass- and luminosity-weighted age and metallicity, and the dust extinction. We study the biases, correlations, and degeneracies affecting the retrieved parameters and explore the r^ole of the spectral resolution and the SNR in regulating these degeneracies. We find that narrow-band photometry and spectroscopy yield similar trends in the physical properties derived, the former being considerably more precise. Using a galaxy sample from the SDSS, we compare more realistically the results obtained from high-resolution and narrow-band SEDs (synthesized from the same SDSS spectra) following the same spectral fitting procedures. We use results from the literature as a benchmark to our spectroscopic estimates and show that the prior PDFs, commonly adopted in parametric methods, may introduce biases not accounted for in a Bayesian framework. We conclude that narrow-band photometry yields the same trend in the age-metallicity relation in the literature, provided it is affected by the same biases as spectroscopy; albeit the precision achieved with the latter is generally twice as large as with the narrow-band, at SNR values typical of the different kinds of data.
JPCam is a 14-CCD mosaic camera, using the new e2v 9k-by-9k 10microm-pixel 16-channel detectors, to be deployed on a dedicated 2.55m wide-field telescope at the OAJ (Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre) in Aragon, Spain. The camera is designed to perform a Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) survey of the northern sky. The J-PAS survey strategy will use 54 relatively narrow-band (~13.8nm) filters equi-spaced between 370 and 920nm plus 3 broad-band filters to achieve unprecedented photometric red-shift accuracies for faint galaxies over ~8000 square degrees of sky. The cryostat, detector mosaic and read electronics is being supplied by e2v under contract to J-PAS while the mechanical structure, housing the shutter and filter assembly, is being designed and constructed by a Brazilian consortium led by INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais). Four sets of 14 filters are placed in the ambient environment, just above the dewar window but directly in line with the detectors, leading to a mosaic having ~10mm gaps between each CCD. The massive 500mm aperture shutter is expected to be supplied by the Argelander-Institut fur Astronomie, Bonn. We will present an overview of JPCam, from the filter configuration through to the CCD mosaic camera. A brief outline of the main J-PAS science projects will be included.
189 - N. Benitez , R. Dupke , M. Moles 2014
The Javalambre-Physics of the Accelerated Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS) is a narrow band, very wide field Cosmological Survey to be carried out from the Javalambre Observatory in Spain with a purpose-built, dedicated 2.5m telescope and a 4.7 sq.deg. camera with 1.2Gpix. Starting in late 2015, J-PAS will observe 8500sq.deg. of Northern Sky and measure $0.003(1+z)$ photo-z for $9times10^7$ LRG and ELG galaxies plus several million QSOs, sampling an effective volume of $sim 14$ Gpc$^3$ up to $z=1.3$ and becoming the first radial BAO experiment to reach Stage IV. J-PAS will detect $7times 10^5$ galaxy clusters and groups, setting constrains on Dark Energy which rival those obtained from its BAO measurements. Thanks to the superb characteristics of the site (seeing ~0.7 arcsec), J-PAS is expected to obtain a deep, sub-arcsec image of the Northern sky, which combined with its unique photo-z precision will produce one of the most powerful cosmological lensing surveys before the arrival of Euclid. J-PAS unprecedented spectral time domain information will enable a self-contained SN survey that, without the need for external spectroscopic follow-up, will detect, classify and measure $sigma_zsim 0.5%$ redshifts for $sim 4000$ SNeIa and $sim 900$ core-collapse SNe. The key to the J-PAS potential is its innovative approach: a contiguous system of 54 filters with $145AA$ width, placed $100AA$ apart over a multi-degree FoV is a powerful redshift machine, with the survey speed of a 4000 multiplexing low resolution spectrograph, but many times cheaper and much faster to build. The J-PAS camera is equivalent to a 4.7 sq.deg. IFU and it will produce a time-resolved, 3D image of the Northern Sky with a very wide range of Astrophysical applications in Galaxy Evolution, the nearby Universe and the study of resolved stellar populations.
108 - A. J. Cenarro 2018
J-PLUS is an ongoing 12-band photometric optical survey, observing thousands of square degrees of the Northern hemisphere from the dedicated JAST/T80 telescope at the Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre. T80Cam is a 2 sq.deg field-of-view camera mounted on this 83cm-diameter telescope, and is equipped with a unique system of filters spanning the entire optical range. This filter system is a combination of broad, medium and narrow-band filters, optimally designed to extract the rest-frame spectral features (the 3700-4000AA Balmer break region, H$delta$, Ca H+K, the G-band, the Mgb and Ca triplets) that are key to both characterize stellar types and to deliver a low-resolution photo-spectrum for each pixel of the sky observed. With a typical depth of AB $sim 21.25$ mag per band, this filter set thus allows for an indiscriminate and accurate characterization of the stellar population in our Galaxy, it provides an unprecedented 2D photo-spectral information for all resolved galaxies in the local universe, as well as accurate photo-z estimates ($Delta,zsim 0.01-0.03$) for moderately bright (up to $rsim 20$ mag) extragalactic sources. While some narrow band filters are designed for the study of particular emission features ([OII]/$lambda$3727, H$alpha$/$lambda$6563) up to $z < 0.015$, they also provide well-defined windows for the analysis of other emission lines at higher redshifts. As a result, J-PLUS has the potential to contribute to a wide range of fields in Astrophysics, both in the nearby universe (Milky Way, 2D IFU-like studies, stellar populations of nearby and moderate redshift galaxies, clusters of galaxies) and at high redshifts (ELGs at $zapprox 0.77, 2.2$ and $4.4$, QSOs, etc). With this paper, we release $sim 36$ sq.deg of J-PLUS data, containing about $1.5times 10^5$ stars and $10^5$ galaxies at $r<21$ mag.
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