Local Mending

Abstract in English

In this work we introduce the graph-theoretic notion of mendability: for each locally checkable graph problem we can define its mending radius, which captures the idea of how far one needs to modify a partial solution in order to patch a hole. We explore how mendability is connected to the existence of efficient algorithms, especially in distributed, parallel, and fault-tolerant settings. It is easy to see that $O(1)$-mendable problems are also solvable in $O(log^* n)$ rounds in the LOCAL model of distributed computing. One of the surprises is that in paths and cycles, a converse also holds in the following sense: if a problem $Pi$ can be solved in $O(log^* n)$, there is always a restriction $Pi subseteq Pi$ that is still efficiently solvable but that is also $O(1)$-mendable. We also explore the structure of the landscape of mendability. For example, we show that in trees, the mending radius of any locally checkable problem is $O(1)$, $Theta(log n)$, or $Theta(n)$, while in general graphs the structure is much more diverse.
