Generalized Chern numbers based on open system Greens functions

Abstract in English

We present an alternative approach to studying topology in open quantum systems, relying directly on Greens functions and avoiding the need to construct an effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We define an energy-dependent Chern number based on the eigenstates of the inverse Greens function matrix of the system which contains, within the self-energy, all the information about the influence of the environment, interactions, gain or losses. We explicitly calculate this topological invariant for a system consisting of a single 2D Dirac cone and find that it is half-integer quantized when certain assumptions over the damping are made. Away from these conditions, which cannot or are not usually considered within the formalism of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, we find that such a quantization is usually lost and the Chern number vanishes, and that in special cases, it can change to integer quantization.
