Microwave-resonator-detected excited-state spectroscopy of a double quantum dot

Abstract in English

As an application in circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) coupled systems, superconducting resonators play an important role in high-sensitivity measurements in a superconductingsemiconductor hybrid architecture. Taking advantage of a high-impedance NbTiN resonator, we perform excited-state spectroscopy on a GaAs double quantum dot (DQD) by applying voltage pulses to one gate electrode. The pulse train modulates the DQD energy detuning and gives rise to charge state transitions at zero detuning. Benefiting from the outstanding sensitivity of the resonator, we distinguish different spin-state transitions in the energy spectrum according to the Pauli exclusion principle. Furthermore, we experimentally study how the interdot tunneling rate modifies the resonator response. The experimental results are consistent with the simulated spectra based on our model.
