Higher dualizability and singly-generated Grothendieck categories

Abstract in English

Let $k$ be a field. We show that locally presentable, $k$-linear categories $mathcal{C}$ dualizable in the sense that the identity functor can be recovered as $coprod_i x_iotimes f_i$ for objects $x_iin mathcal{C}$ and left adjoints $f_i$ from $mathcal{C}$ to $mathrm{Vect}_k$ are products of copies of $mathrm{Vect}_k$. This partially confirms a conjecture by Brandenburg, the author and T. Johnson-Freyd. Motivated by this, we also characterize the Grothendieck categories containing an object $x$ with the property that every object is a copower of $x$: they are precisely the categories of non-singular injective right modules over simple, regular, right self-injective rings of type I or III.
