Double detonations of sub-Chandrasekhar mass CO white dwarfs: Can different core and He shell masses explain variations of Type Ia supernovae?

Abstract in English

Sub-Chandrasekhar mass carbon-oxygen white dwarfs (CO WDs) with a surface helium (He) shell have been proposed as progenitors of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). If true, the resulting thermonuclear explosions should be able to account for at least some of the range of SNe Ia observables. To study this, we conduct a parameter study based on 3D simulations of double detonations in CO WDs with a He shell, assuming different core and shell masses. An admixture of C to the shell and solar metallicity are included in the models. The hydrodynamic simulations are carried out using the AREPO code. This allows us to follow the He shell detonation with high numerical resolution, and improves the reliability of predicted nucleosynthetic shell detonation yields. The addition of C to the shell leads to a lower production of 56Ni while including solar metallicity increases the production of IMEs. The production of higher mass elements is further shifted to stable isotopes at solar metallicity. Moreover, we find different core detonation ignition mechanisms depending on the core and shell mass configuration. This has an influence on the ejecta structure. We present the bolometric light curves predicted from our explosion simulations using the radiative transfer code ARTIS, and make comparisons with SNe Ia data. The bolometric light curves of our models show a range of brightnesses, able to account for sub-luminous to normal SNe Ia. We show the model bolometric width-luminosity relation compared to data for a range of viewing angles. We find that, on average, our brighter models lie within the observed data. The ejecta asymmetries produce a wide distribution of observables, which might account for outliers in the data. However, the models overestimate the extent of this compared to data. We also find the bolometric decline rate over 40 days appears systematically faster than data. (abridged)
