Transition from Coherent Cores to Surrounding Cloud in L1688

Abstract in English

Stars form in cold dense cores showing subsonic velocity dispersions. The parental molecular clouds display higher temperatures and supersonic velocity dispersions. The transition from core to cloud has been observed in velocity dispersion, but temperature and abundance variations are unknown. We aim to study the transition from cores to ambient cloud in temperature and velocity dispersion using a single tracer. We use NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) maps in L1688 from the Green Bank Ammonia Survey, smoothed to 1, and determine the physical properties from fits. We identify the coherent cores and study the changes in temperature and velocity dispersion from cores to the surrounding cloud. We obtain a kinetic temperature map tracing the extended cloud, improving from previous maps tracing mostly the cores. The cloud is 4-6 K warmer than the cores, and shows a larger velocity dispersion (diff. = 0.15-0.25 km/s). Comparing to Herschel-based measurements, we find that cores show kinetic temperature $approx$1.8 K lower than the dust temperature; while the gas temperature is higher than the dust temperature in the cloud. We find an average p-NH3 fractional abundance (with respect to H2) of $(4.2pm0.2) times 10^{-9}$ towards the coherent cores, and $(1.4pm0.1) times 10^{-9}$ outside the core boundaries. Using stacked spectra, we detect two components, one narrow and one broad, towards cores and their neighbourhoods. We find the turbulence in the narrow component to be correlated to the size of the structure (Pearson-r=0.54). With these unresolved regional measurements, we obtain a turbulence-size relation of ${sigma}_{v,NT}propto r^{0.5}$, similar to previous findings using multiple tracers. We discover that the subsonic component extends up to 0.15 pc beyond the typical coherent boundaries, unveiling larger extents of the coherent cores and showing gradual transition to coherence over ~0.2 pc.
